Proposals To Amend Ordinances Regarding Companion, Service or Domestic Animals; Dial 911 For Local Emergency Services
The Kadoka City Council conducted its monthly meeting on Jan. 10. Council Members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Tia Stout, Eileen Stolley, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert.
Mayor Weller called the meeting to order. The Council reviewed the meeting agenda and meeting minutes for a special, year-end meeting on Dec. 30. At the special meeting, the Council reviewed then approved payment of all invoices submitted for payment. During that meeting, the Council authorized the transfer of $20,000 from the “general fund, contingency fund” to public safety; parks and recreation; the depot museum; and boards, council and commissions. Another motion authorized the transfer of $5,795.07 from the “unreserved general fund balance” to the department of public safety. The Council also authorized the transfer of monies from the “general fund, liquor fund and solid waste fund to the water and sewer fund, if needed” to fund any departmental deficits. Lastly for 2021, the Council “set employee salaries as established by the council.”
LaTasha Buchholz, finance officer, presented the Council with invoices presented for payment and December 2021 financial reports that include departmental profit and loss summaries. The reports included account balances for regular checking, ATM and money market account balances as of Dec. 31. The Council approved payment of the expenses and financial reports.
Before proceeding to matters of new business, as established by the meeting agenda, the Council provides Kadoka residents and entrepreneurs with the opportunity to address the Council during citizen’s input. The agenda further notes that “items will be heard [during input] but no action will be taken.” At this meeting, no one appeared during the time allocated for citizen input.
In the first matter of new business for 2022, Jamie Willert addressed the Council and presented a proposal to acquire seating to accommodate patrons at the Buffalo Stampede Rodeo Grounds. After conducting research, he proposed the purchase of three—27-foot-long aluminum bleachers consisting of eight rows with safety fence and railings. Olney commented on the marked increased in the number of events in the past two years, including a Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) sanctioned rodeo. Other events include Little Britches rodeo, 4-H rodeo and Badlands Rodeo Bible Camp. Stolley commended “the work you [the rodeo committee volunteers] have put in and it is amazing.” Olney moved to “earmark $45,000 out of the 3B’s fund to help purchase the bleachers for the Buffalo Stampede contingent on the final plans and funding from the Buffalo Stampede committee.” The motion passed unanimously by a roll call vote.
In the next matter of new business, the Council moved to schedule the municipal election to coincide with the Kadoka Area School board member election on April 12, 2022. The Council conducted the first reading of the redistricting ordinances with streets and landmarks designating boundaries of each district. A new ward map is available for review at the finance office. The second reading of the redistricting ordinances will be at the next monthly meeting. In the final matter of new business, the Council reviewed proposals to Title Nine of the ordinances regarding animals. The Council will present changes during the first reading at the next meeting. The proposals affect all residents within the community that own companion, service or domestic animals. Each companion or service animal requires registration with the city. The owner must submit proof of vaccination and surgical sterilization. A registration fee of $10 applies to spayed or neutered animals and a fee of $30 for those that have not.
The Council proceeded to departmental reports, beginning with code enforcement. Buchholz informed the Council the contract with Code Enforcement Specialists, L.L.C. (CES), Burke, was set to expire. The Council moved to renew the contract. Buchholz informed the Council that the weather presented travel delays and prevented inspection of properties to ensure compliance with ordinances.
Nathan Riggins, water and sewer superintendent, informed the Council of plans to attend the South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems (SDARWS) training conference. He proposed SDARWS perform leak detections, hydro excavation and inspection on the City’s aging sewer and water system. Willert believes the reasonable cost for the service offsets the expense of water loss. The Council moved to have SDAWRS perform the testing.
Patrick Solon, public works department, discussed future street projects. Huffman addressed the public works department building, noting that the building requires extensive repairs and suggested advertising for bids to make repairs to the structure. In matters relating to solid waste, the Council determined an increase to solid waste disposal costs would offset departmental operation costs, preventing a deficit. Grillo added that, “we should raise the costs gradually.” The Council moved to increase the fees effective Feb. 1, 2022.
Jackie Stilwell, city bar manager, informed the Council of plans to complete inventory in January. She requested the Council approve hiring another part-time employee. The Council approved her request. The City received a request from West Central Electric Cooperative to host their annual meeting in the Kadoka Auditorium. The Council approved the request and signed a letter of intent.
Robert Book, public safety director of the Kadoka Police Department (KPD), was unable to attend the meeting. He provided a report of service calls to the Council for review during the meeting. Book requested that when anyone needs local emergency services, to immediately call 911 to request fire, ambulance, search and rescue or local law enforcement agencies rather than calling the KPD landline or cellphone. Establishing contact with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to request services or report an incident provides the caller with streamlined emergency services by digitally conveying specific information to the appropriate agency. By calling 911 and relaying information to the EOC instead of a law enforcement officer, the responding units utilize time more safely and efficiently.
The Council scheduled the next monthly meeting on Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. at the Kadoka City Finance Office.
For a copy of the official meeting minutes, please refer to legal notices in the classified section of the Kadoka Press.